Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Holy Being Believed To Be Messenger Of God -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Holy Being Believed To Be Messenger Of God? Answer: Introducation The reason as to why hadith began remains a big question to the Muslim community specifically because of the directives by which Quran give regarding serving none other than God alone. In fact, there has been a condemnation of hadith by most of the Islamic communities basing their argument on facts highlighted by Mohammad that there should be no any other book than Quran. Mohammad, a holy being who is believed to be the messenger of God, hinted out that whoever takes a keen interest on hadith is directly sinning against God. In that connection, Mohammad, the Messenger of God issued a decree that all hadith that had been written regarding him should be burnt. That is, people should concentrate more on reading facts from the Quran instead of dwelling much on hadith, the situation that would give rise to lies and false beliefs. In particular, evaluation of why hadith began will be necessary to provide a blueprint of the subject. Hadith are major writing that plays an integral role in the development of Islamic law. Although there have been facts that most of the hadith does not contain real deeds of the Muhammad, it is not possible to elaborate the provisions of Islamic law without appreciating the presence of hadith (Berkey, 2014). Therefore, the main reason as to why hadith began is that there was a need by the Islamic community to understand better the Quran whose hints were easily explained in the hadith. Another reason for introducing the hadith was that there grew complexity emanating from the misunderstanding regarding the Muhammad since his closest companion collectively known as sahaba had diverted their attention towards Sunnah, customs that are well dictated in hadith. Due to that reason, there emerged disunion regarding the authenticity and in particular wanting to assess which side spoke the little truth regarding Muhammad. Most of the Muslim communities had to accept the beginning of hadith sin ce Sahaba had followed suit irrespective of the fact that they were companions of Muhammad. The drawing of hadith came right after the death of prophet of God, Muhammad. One of the interesting issues regarding the suitability of hadith is that it contains the specifications of Sunnah (Amir-Moezzi, 2016). At the same time, Sunnah that means path matches with Qadim that refers to old being or else the Quran itself. Precisely, that is to imply that as long as Sunnah is elaborated in hadith, hadith is the same thing with Quran hence its teachings are fruitful concerning the well-being of Islamic community. Corbin (2014) posits that after the death of prophet of God, hadith was the only way Sahaba would write the right deeds concerning Muhammad so that it could act as a spear header for the growing generation to embrace the steps of the messenger of God. Consequently, both Sunnar and Quran cannot be treated separately hence rendering hadith worthwhile. It is after the discovery of inclusion of Sunnar in hadith that burning such writings ended. Muhammad was a holy being, and his companions believed in him in all their undertakings. For that matter, hadith would prove valuable after the death of Muhammad so that all his deeds would be written for the generations to come. Muhammad was full of eloquence, spiritual charisma, destructive effects as well as straightforward honesty (Berg, 2013). The death of Muhammad solely contributed to scattering of his companions. Coincidentally, it was at that time the Muslim community was expanding whereby they had little knowledge concerning the messenger of God. Therefore, those companions of Muhammad had to think of best ways in which knowledge about the prophet of God would be instilled in the minds of the growing Muslim community, hence, triggering the beginning of hadith. Besides, Muhammad during his time on earth performed many miracles that ought to be recorded. Muhammad healed people, blessed children and touched things that would remain memorable to his companions (Nazri et al., 20 15). People were healed of their illness after touching those things Muhammad blessed, therefore, evoking the need to develop hadith so that all those acts could be remembered. In short, hadith is a collection of writings that play a significant role in the commemoration of the life of Muhammad here on earth. According to Talib, Sidik and Jamsari (2014), Mohammad was a strict encourager who pleaded to people to take into account the knowledge acquired from Quran and Sunnah. During that time, imams, Qadis and judges took hold of the specifications of Sunnah so that they could reap blessings for following all that Muhammad required them to do. Besides, Sunnah proved helpful to the Muslim army that guarded the prophet of Islam. That is, during wars, they rehearsed Sunnah hence enabling them to overcome Palestine, Egypt and Persian army. Due to the continued spread of Muslim dominion all over the earth, the urge to discover the essence of hadith arose (Daryaee Rezakhani, 2016). Hadith augured well with the Muslims who undoubtedly used them as a source of reference wherever they faced challenges. Such high points concerning the success of Sunnah led to the beginning of hadith literature that proves necessary up to date as far as Muslim community is concerned. It is believed that during the advent of Islam, only a few people knew how to write and read in the city of Mecca. In the same case, those individuals residing in the town of Medinah with skills regarding arts were few. Also, were different people followed the culture that was targets of Islamic converts. It was not possible to rely only on the Quran to save the Jews who dominated some parts of Mecca and Medinah (John et al., 2015). Therefore, the need to institute hadith to take care of the growing population for the sake of knowing and understanding concepts behind Islam was significant. The drawing of a constitution by various states at that time had to rely on hadith so that their laws could be adequately interpreted basing facts from the teaching of Muhammad as well as God himself. In conclusion, the reasons behind the beginning of hadith are self-explanatory. Right from the time of Muhammad, his companions kept on noting events that proved necessary for their life, little did they know that they were paving the way for hadith. After the compilation of canonical collections, hadith served a great importance whereby Islamic community was guaranteed authenticity. Islamic law appeared difficult to understand hence triggering the emergence of hadith for simplicity. Briefly, hadith came to being for the betterment of Islamic community now and for the generation to come. References Amir-Moezzi, M. A. (2016).The Silent Qur'an and the Speaking Qur'an: Scriptural Sources of Islam Between History and Fervor. Columbia University Press. Berg, H. (2013).The Development of Exegesis in Early Islam: The Authenticity of Muslim Literature from the Formative Period. Routledge. Berkey, J. P. (2014).The transmission of knowledge in medieval Cairo: a social history of Islamic education. Princeton University Press. Corbin, H. (2014).History of Islamic philosophy. Routledge. Daryaee, T., Rezakhani, K. (2016).Sasanian Empire. John Wiley Sons, Ltd.Waemustafa, W., Sukri, S. (2015). Theory of Gharar and its interpretation of Risk and Uncertainty from the perspectives of Authentic Hadith and the Holy Quran: A Qualitative Analysis. Nazri, M. A., Mustafa, L., Othman, F. M., Sakat, A. A., Usman, A. H., Amin, M. F. M. (2015). The Intellectuality of Al-Dihlawi: A Review on His Contribution in Science of Prophetic Tradition.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,6(5), 302. Talib, N. M., Sidik, R., Jamsari, E. (2014). Orientalist methodology in the study of Islamic history and civilization. InThe Proceedings The 5th International Symposium on Islamic, Civilization and Science(pp. 438-455).
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